
Kenneth hagin healing miracles
Kenneth hagin healing miracles

This time-period determines on how well you co-operate with it (God’s Will for your life). HOWEVER, you must keep the enemy from steeling your seed! The enemy does not want your Seeds Of God to grow let alone grow into full-bloom! SEED > TIME > HARVEST When God plants Seeds within your BEing (speaks words over your life) each seed has its own germination time-period to how long it will take to reach maturity. And that Seed Of God will automatically, naturally, and spiritually grow with-in your being that your life will just unfold that direction. When God speaks words over your life like that, a Seed has been planted. The Holy Spirit prompts me what to say and ask for- the things that God wants to do in my life.

kenneth hagin healing miracles

“IN HIM we were also chosen, having been pre-destined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His Will.” -Ephesians 1:11 Other scriptures on pre-ordained/destined are: Romans 8:29, Romans 8:30, Ephesians 1:5 Those words for my pre-ordained destiny just came out of my mouth.

kenneth hagin healing miracles

To awake sleeping Christians and create new believers. To show the whole world that God does indeed exist, for all to see His Grace and by the power of Jesus Christ all things are possible. The first anointing I received was with a pre-ordained destiny of: To seek the truth, walk the truth, live the truth, be an example of truth. Next I was prompted by God to give Him the desires of my heart and God spiritually ended my worldly job and later gave me a new line of work - Life Work. After I invited God-Jesus’s Spirit in me and God healing me of two things, I seen how defiled I truly was, so then I verbally submitted and dedicated myself to God. From there I was led to a non-dominational Christian church to do and say the sinner/ salvation prayer. Not knowing anything about this way of God life, I agreed to it. And lo and behold heaven opened up to me letting me know that there was another way to doing life - by the way of God. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last.” -John 15:16 I got to the point of my life (age 42) where I questioned that “there had to be a better way to life”. Understanding The Anointing by Kenneth E.

Kenneth hagin healing miracles